Delivered by Elizabeth Frye in partnershipwith Kidnetix. The 'Self Esteem' workshop delves into the self with a focus on identity and personal growth while trust building exercises speak to relationships. This workshop encourages girls to advocate for themselves and stand up for their individual values, beliefs and boundaries. Discussions encourage girls to look into their past and think about the future as they work towards establishing realistic goals that take into account their unique interests, abilities and personality.
In the 'Body Image' workshop girls will develop critical thinking and media literacy skills as they examine the social and cultural constructions of beauty and consider the ways in which the idealization of the female body in popular culture exerts pressure on girls in terms of self-image and identity formation. This module will increase girls' awareness of the power of appearance and how appearance can influence perceptions regarding personality, behaviour and mood. Discussions explore how participants feel about their bodies while activities encourage acceptance and the release of negative self-conceptions through positive self-talk.
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