Summer Camp Rates & Registration

Weekly Fee $200.00 per child

One time $20.00 registration fee applies to all campers including siblings.

Payments can be made by cash, etransfer. We do not accept visa or master card.

We do not offer part-time camp opportunities or reduced rates for late start or missed days

Our refund policy is as follows:


Notice given less than 20 days prior to camp start date


Notice given a minimum of 21 days prior to camp start date or remaining camp dates


Notice given a minimum 28 days prior to camp start date or remaining camp dates

Behaviour or Change of Mind REFUND

While at Kidnetix our staff will do their best to work with children who demonstrated behaviour concerns, there may be times where children are removed from the camp by the parent or program Director due to inappropriate behavior. Kidnetix will not provide refunds for removal due to inappropriate behaviour. (Please visit our behaviour model page for more details). If a child has started camp and a parent decides to remove the camper due to behavior, adapting or environment issues, refunds will NOT be honored.

Registration Deadline

Although we do not have a deadline for registration, parents start registering as early as January. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. Due to the overwhelming response for particular weeks, we cannot reserve space without payment. 

Subsidized Camp Opportunities

Occasionally, Kidnetix will receive funding opportunities to offer limited subsidized camp through spaces. If you require assistance please contact our office staff for subsidy forms. Kidnetix Kidz Association promotes health and well being by mobilizing resources to make affordable, high quality programs available to everyone in our community. PARENTS REQUESTING SUBSIDY MUST PROVIDE INCOME STATEMENTS IN ORDER TO QUALIFY

  • What is included in my camp fees?
  • Camper t-shirt (for summer camp only)
  • All trip admissions and workshops
  • All day camp activities



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